Just Give Me Money

you know that you want to
Sunday, August 12, 2007
All these interesting updates going on. It is nice to hear. I'll just keep adding tidbits.

I am gearing up for a big first quarter here in Louisiana. I have 2 classes this term. 1) Lighting, which is the first of three that students take consecutively. So it is essentially a year long lighting course, which is quite exciting. This class really won't be like anything I ever took in school, essentially focused on control over an environment, no matter what it is. 2) Photoshop. I'm an old-hand at this class, so it isn't a worry at all.

Things are nice here. The school is set up nicely and the photo department is expanding and expected to be crazy. Joy, Frank and I will see to that. Keep your eyes out for talents looking at grad school, as we will be recruiting next year.
posted by J @ 10:57 AM  
  • At 6:32 PM, Blogger Al Fuller said…

    Hey, you're practically my neighbor! I'm glad to hear that things are going well, though I still do hold a grudge that you never sent me a print in trade. (Jeremias too....) Is you lighting class more of an environmental with flash & bounce sort of thing or is it part studio strobes too?

  • At 10:03 AM, Blogger J said…

    I will send you a print! Now I definitely can. Finally! I'll try to get it out this week.

    As for the studio class, we are doing it all, since we have a year. Each quarter will be a mixture of studio and environmental lighting in order to fully utilize their time (since there isn't room for everyone to shoot at once at any school.)

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