Just Give Me Money

you know that you want to
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
hey all, i hope all is well.

while sitting in the studio very bored i thought that maybe it is time to expand our little JGMM world. there are some new grads (and some old ones) running around Bergin that do not know the wonder of what we got going on here.

so i thought i would pose this to the group and see what others though and if we think it is a good idea, maybe the awesome Jay G. could send out the invites.
posted by Sarah @ 12:52 PM  
  • At 4:29 PM, Blogger J said…

    "make Jay do it?" That is like telling the wind to blow or saying "hey mister engineer, this mountain is in my way, would you kindly blast it to tiny pieces that can be used to decorate suburban home landscapes?"... in other words it's crazy talk!

    If I am going to do it, it is only because, like the wind, I was gonna blow anyway, but for me.

    Expectations of adding members to a blog is like removing a mountain... very fun! Like any good civil engineer I'm just waiting for someone to give me the TNT and stage my incredible reenactment of Mt. Vesuvias. (in case I lost you, pretend e-mails of others who wish to join are my TNT.)
    If you still do not understand my powerful words, I will speak layman. If any one wants to become a member of this blog I will need a resume, 3 letters of recommendation, an application of interest, a blogging philosophy, and 500 dollars.

    ...or they or you could just send me an e-mail and I will send a prompt invite. Keep the word out there!

  • At 8:25 PM, Blogger J said…

    Jeremias is right, I forgot about the transcripts. To me, "official" means typed on a typewriter with no more than 20 un-corrected typos.

  • At 11:19 PM, Blogger Sarah said…

    r i i i ght... um you guys are a bit strange...

    i'll see if there is any one i can think of who might want it... and send 'mr. civil engineer' an e mail...


  • At 10:34 AM, Blogger Joos said…

    no no sarah, they are not strange, simply mentally ambitious.

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