Just Give Me Money

you know that you want to
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
This is terrible. I don't even like his artwork, but I am still very stained that he was fired because of it. Can you imagine being fired because of your art?

"Virginia school board fires 'butt-printing' art teacher. A Virginia art teacher whose off-hours work as a so-called "butt-printing artist" became widely circulated among high school students has been fired."

posted by Lizzie @ 12:20 PM  
  • At 10:54 AM, Blogger Lizzie said…

    "In its decision, the board reasoned that students have a right to receive their education in an environment free from distractions and disruptions, Marlow said. The decision also is in keeping with court rulings that hold that teachers are expected to lead by example and be role models, she said."

    It is true that it was the youtube video that caused the distraction and therefore made Murmer unfit to teach in the eyes of the school board. But I believe that the weakness of his artwork plays a role here. I would like to think that if he had made good artwork the school board might have deemed him an asset(ha)to the school and not a distraction.

  • At 7:27 PM, Blogger J said…

    You two raise some good points that really hadn't made sense to me before. I heard people at work talking about how he should be fired, but I wasn't really in agreement, but what Jeremias says is true to some extent. We all need to be wary of how we are presented on the internet. Youtube, myspace, facebook all present interesting sources for employers to check out how we will be perceived by our students and peers. There are actually internet PR representatives that will scour the net for you and clean up your image in any way they have to. Pretty crazy.

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