Just Give Me Money

you know that you want to
Friday, May 04, 2007
I recently went to the local camera store and picked up a "broken" digital camera for $15. Since it was so cheap, I decided to use it to try out a new idea I call the "Flying Camera" series. This is #16. I set the timer and and throw the camera in the air. Once I catch it (assuming I catch it, its not guaranteed) I check the results. I don't know what to do with it yet, but I wanted to try something I can't do with my 8x10.
posted by Greg @ 5:59 PM  
  • At 1:16 PM, Blogger Al Fuller said…

    though it would be a little more interesting if it were actually shot with your 8x10.... just seeing one by itself makes it feel pretty accidental, but as long as the imagery wasn't too random it might work. I like the idea, though I have to admit I might like the idea in a more conceptual way rather than the actual images. Show me more before I can really have anything useful to say.

  • At 9:37 AM, Blogger J said…

    I think it's funny that when you want to do something that you cannot do with your 8x10, that you do something one general shouldn't do with any camera.

    The idea itself reminds me of something I think Mosch said, "if you swung your camera around by the strap in Yosemite you would get beautiful pictures." Maybe you should test that?

    I don't really know what else to say. The idea is funny, you're probably right that the concept beats the images if only because the performance aspect is the real draw to this.

  • At 2:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm in the middle of grading students work, so don't be offended... I want to see you doing something that incorporates your incredible black and white skills, not something gimmicky like throwing the camera. While the concept is interesting, I think it gets pretty uninteresting fairly quickly. Maybe think about rigging the digital camera so it takes a picture right before you run over it with your car. Hmm... kind of like Robert Capa and the land mine. Images from the grave! then bust out the old 8x10 and document the smashed up digital camera in all it's glory! and of course make a beautiful 1:1 contact print of it. I'd do it, but you have years on me in the darkroom... I wish I would have kept my old digital to send you...

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