Just Give Me Money

you know that you want to
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Couldn't do the bullriding thing, so am working on something else more ladylike - I'm not just riding that horse, I'm riding it sidesaddle!
posted by Al Fuller @ 3:30 PM  
  • At 5:11 PM, Blogger Bess said…

    that's awesome! you should wear a top hat with a veil while riding, that's what I always picture. I've always wanted to learn. How do you not slip off?

  • At 6:23 PM, Blogger Greg said…

    That's very impressive! I've been riding for years and have never actually seen anyone attempt sidesaddle. As for bull riding, I can introduce you to my uncle Mike. He used to ride bulls before switching to broncos. He and his two kids have doing rodeos for years, and his son still competes nationally.

  • At 8:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I've been on a horse a few times and it's always been kind of painful afterwards... usually the guides/horse trainers don't speak english, maybe that's my problem. Maybe I'll try it out west. Looks like a good time, I agree with Bess and think at least a cape is necessary. Maybe a whip to crack in the air and of course a fire encapsulated skull to light up the path at night.

  • At 8:39 AM, Blogger J said…

    I remember my first horse ride. It was in Colorado on a dappled grey horse named Apache. He was huge, old, and fat... exactly what I wanted. Good ol' Apache ate constantly on the trail and produced a continuous stream of gaseous relief, to the dismay of my sister riding behind us.

    Greg, quit being such a girl and ride side saddle... or... um... be a man and... um... ok, nevermind.

    Whips, capes, flaming skulls... add some handstands and I'm in.

  • At 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    perhaps in Denver, at SPE next year, we can organize a group horse wrassling. Nothing like some shaky pictures!

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