Just Give Me Money

you know that you want to
Friday, October 06, 2006
Here are two of the portraitypes I created in Colorado. I will be continuing this project here in Kentucky for a while, though I will be changing from digital capture to 4x5 color film. This will let me easily go up to sizes in the 30x40 range. I'm negotiating with the local mall and two different Walmarts to let me set up a background and photograph customers. Brckenridge loved them and invited Melanie and I back in 2008 for another project.

This one is made up of 32 local residents.

This is made up of 21 visiting tourists.

Speaking of color film, does anyone know if the Epson 4990 scanner compensates for the orange color of color negative film? Or will I need to make some custom curves to adjust after importing into Photoshop?
posted by Greg @ 6:04 PM  
  • At 6:13 PM, Blogger Greg said…

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  • At 8:18 PM, Blogger J said…

    damn those composite portaits freak me out. Seriously. At first I thought it was for it's social and conceptual meaning (faceless population blah blah) but no... they are just scary, in a more leather face, frankenstein sorta way.

    it is really great that you are giving it to the community though!!! very exciting.

  • At 9:23 PM, Blogger Al Fuller said…

    my 4990 does just great with color film, no extra compensation needed.

  • At 8:54 AM, Blogger Greg said…

    I've been looking online and haven't found anyone doing this at all, at least, they are not calling it a portraitype like the originals, so google hasn't turned them up. I am interested in seeing what other folks are doing like this, so please pass on a couple names. I did manipulate the faces to line up with the mouth in addition to the eyes, but otherwise, it is true to Batut's technique. Conceptually it is different than his idea. I am not trying to show the similarities between all th residents, just showing a composite of them. As a community project with resident interaction, it is perfect. The lady going after me is making a ceramic windchime with no community involvement at all.

  • At 11:13 AM, Blogger J said…

    Come on! Creepy!!! is anyone with me? I couldn't sleep last night, I could only picture a blurry, half-smiling, muddy flesh colored androgynous monster with 64 arms wanting me to take their picture.

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