Just Give Me Money

you know that you want to
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Here I am in Breckenridge, Colorado, just in time for Oktoberfest! Lots of polka and beer and weird German rap music. It was around 50 degrees when this was going on.

Afterwards, it warmed up to almost 70 and Melanie and I went exploriing throught the town. It is a really pretty town with a lot of original gold mining architecture. The building we are staying in was an old shed for a local business owner from the 1890's. It was recently renovated to have a studio on the ground floor and an apartment upstairs.

Then, Thursday, all hell broke loose and the temperature plummeted to a balmy 15 degrees and it dumped an unseasonal 20 inches of snow over two days. Good thing we have heating.

This week I have been working on the community project I outlined in my application, so people are constantly coming into the studio for me. I am doing a series of portraitypes for the town, similar to the one we did in Aishman's class for the Photoartsreview picture. (Thanks, Joos, for the inspiration!). Next week it is supposed to warm up and I will have time to get my 8x10 into the mountains. What am I saying, I am already at an elevation of 2 miles. I guess I will be going to the TOP os the mountains.
posted by Greg @ 11:42 AM  
  • At 9:45 PM, Blogger J said…

    I just got my annoying annual bragging e-mail about the snow out there from an old friend that makes that our only traditional contact. It looks beautiful there. I'm sure that it is an exciting change for you. I hope that you will post some of the stuff you are working on, both for the project and your personal work. Personally I think that some adventure photography with the 20x24 would be a decent challenge.

  • At 10:03 PM, Blogger Sarah said…

    thanks for reminding me what snow looks like! i forget some times. sounds like things are going well. good to hear.

  • At 5:18 PM, Blogger Al Fuller said…

    Are you getting apretty good profile fo the community for the portraits? How's Melanie like CO? Is she working right now or is she waiting until you guys settle down somewhere more permanently? Post some of the stuff you've been working on, I'm nosey.

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