Just Give Me Money

you know that you want to
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Hey everyone, I'm working on this new image and need some criticism. These two are rough cuts I guess. The idea behind the image is that I am in a sweat lodge of clothes to illustrate healing, like during a fever, through sweating. I think I need more clothes to illustrate this, what do you guys think? more extreme? what do you guys think? Thanks in advance!
posted by Anonymous @ 4:52 PM  
  • At 6:08 PM, Blogger Greg said…

    Right now the clothes aren't balanced enough. You have much more on top than bottom, so it looks too contrived for me. In addition, the way you have your head wrapped reminds me too much of the Islamic terrorist videos. These two comments are a little on the harsh side, so please forgive me. On the whole, I like the idea and the scenery. The top one goes towards the terrorist video more than the bottom one.

  • At 12:27 PM, Blogger Greg said…

    Right now it looks like a cold day. Perhaps if you stood nude in rising mist, the effect of a sauna would come across clearer. I don't get a healing vibe from a reference to terrorists. The only healing I could think of would be closer to Stockholm Syndrome, which isn't healing at all, but identifiying with your captor, in this case, Islamic terrorists. I'm not sure that is something you want to identify with. Granted, it will introduce you to an entirely new group of friends, but it may not mesh well with your current lifestyle.

  • At 3:55 PM, Blogger J said…

    oooooo... criti-sizzlin' yeeee-haaww. Ok, now seriously. I'm sorta with greg, not so much on the terrorist mark, but more on the not getting the sweat thing. I love the idea, but I can't read it yet. I wanna look at it and say "holy hell that dude must be steaming in all those friggin' clothes! Why is he wearing all those damn clothes when it's so hot!? I'm so fascinated with his sweat!" One thing is the day doesn't really look warm or cold, not sure how to solve that completely... oh, greg's idea of steam... great idea.. or lizards louging on hot rocks, or guys in soaked t-shirts drinking beer around kids in sprinklers... all say hot to me. Ok, ignore that, but steam is a good idea. Good luck, forward more when you have it and I will be doing the same soon.

  • At 6:37 PM, Blogger Sarah said…

    i think i agree with greg on the clothes thing. i would like to see long johns and leg warmer and flannel lined pants on the bottom and maybe like snow boots or something.

    as for the place it doesn't give afeeling of hot or cold. maybe like the beach i think of that as a hot place or somewhere like a green house or near greenhouse. just a thought. good start though it looks intersting.

  • At 12:31 PM, Blogger Al Fuller said…

    Your feet aren't in the sweat lodge -- I agree that you need to put snow boots on or at least surround yourself in a giant pile of blankets. There's an idea -- you could almost be like a moth coming out of a cocoon -- have a ton of blankets wrapped around your feet and legs then the heavy clothing on the top.

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