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Thursday, March 22, 2007
The Society of Photogenic Exaltation

also at SPE, but not pictured: Tom Fischer, Melinda Hurst-Frye, Ashley Craig, Jessica Raetzke and Wendy Cooper.

A Father Bonding
With His Son at
SPE's National Conference

Thursday, 8:00pm: Ahhh... can't you just smell the enthusiasm? Look around, lot's of smiles eh? Oh... those nametags? Well Son, those folks are here for the Society for Photographic Education's National conference. Every year they get together to chat, geek out on freebies and books, and mix it all up with some casual drinking. Professors are here hoping to be free of the usual academic noise and hear someone else talk for a moment. Students attending to make some friendly connections for the future. Woah Son, you had better watch out, those women that you just about walked right into, that's Aimee and Rebecca, the Green Bay / Wash U. Militia. You might have spilled their beer, which would not really have consequence, but it is not nice to spill a photographer's beer... they need all they can get.

Friday, 8:10am: Wow, these elevators are really slow! Eh, Son. It really doesn't help that SCAD brought like 30 people. Oh My! (whispering) Look over there, it's Brian Ulrich, Justin Newhall, and Kelli Connell... we should probably wait for the next elevator... Phew! They're gone. Yes Son, we'll go see Jay Gould speak about his modern physics, post-modern, mumbo jumbo talkie thing, but only because Steve Bliss is giving the introduction.

Friday, 7:10pm: You really didn't know how interesting Rod Slemmons is? Son, I really thought you knew better. When we get back home you're going double-duty on the Mexican photographer studies. No use trying to argue, you will thank me later.

Friday, 10:25pm: Son, you know I don't approve of you swearing, but HOLY-SHIT, that Margulies Collection BLEW MY FUCKING HEAD OFF. Usually I think that screaming and running in circles out of pure joy is unacceptable at an art show, but since you weren't alone, I suppose it is ok. I mean, it's better than breaking into tears, your father has seen enough shame in his life.

Saturday, 3:05pm: Yeah, Nate Larson is a funny guy. I hear him and that Jay Gould are hoping to exhibit a show together, Physics and Metaphysics or something rediculous like that. I really just cannot support all of these Midwesterners working together, it gives me the eebie-jeebies. At least they are too reserved to do any real damage at the dance party, though the Cyanotypes might cause some trauma... bring the earplugs... and your lighter... and scream for some Freebird with the Militia.

Sunday, 12:13pm:Well Son, time to head back home. I hope that you enjoyed yourself. SPE is tiring, but someday you will love it as much as your Pa.


posted by J @ 8:01 AM  
  • At 10:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good lookin' bunch! Sounds like you all had fun... Next year I'll be there, hopefully with some students... Jay, you should have those voices checked out in your head... sounds like you're your own grandfather... maybe not a bad thing... maybe a new series for ya... I guess you do like playing board games with your self just the same...

  • At 11:39 AM, Blogger Al Fuller said…

    I think you and the old man in your head mentioned almost everything except for the fact the Jerry Uelsman likes cheese -- and lots of it -- he had a little plate with a lot of the little orange cubes stacked up at the thursday night reception.

  • At 6:40 PM, Blogger J said…

    I was too busy finishing my lecture to attend the reception, but I think that my cheese pile would have rivaled Ueulsman's (Wisconsin Baby!).

    The father and son didn't witness it either... they needed ice cream.

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