Just Give Me Money

you know that you want to
Monday, October 09, 2006
hey all i hope you are all doing well. bess suggested i put these up ... so here they are. let me know what you think.

this one is not quite done yet. there are still a few things, like some more people to add and color to correct.
posted by Sarah @ 9:07 PM  
  • At 11:13 AM, Blogger J said…

    YES!! Such a pleasant surprise in the project... Red and Blue keepin it real. Jeremias is right, they are beautiful. Hilliar-esque (inescapable) but very different at the same point. The segmented pano format gives me the sense of time passing, lending to a feeling of anxiety. When your figure is found throughout the scene it is as if it were a time-lapse montage. Looking out the window and door really speaks very strongly, I can't help but feel sorry and relate with the subject. nice, gimme more, push more emotional buttons!

  • At 12:20 PM, Blogger Sarah said…

    thanks boys! Hillard was some one who i have been looking and as well as some others such as sam taylor-wood. what are 'hasselbad dimonds' jeremias?

    i can see where you think the black is too much. i still need to play around with that one but i was thinking of leaving the black i don't want it to be nice clean cut image i want some confusion and as jay noticed use the frams as a time element.

    when it is done ill post up the final one.

  • At 12:30 PM, Blogger Greg said…

    Unless I am mistaken Jeremias means the little piece of image that creeps up into the very corner because of the way the camera frames the film edge, as opposed to a solid black line from the adjacent corner. I would comment more, but I cannot remember the name of the person I wanted to recommend. He uses multi-frame images, too, but instead of placing them linear like Hillyard, he has them at random directions to make an entire image. I'm sure this person isn't the only one doing that, though.

  • At 7:49 PM, Blogger J said…

    i feel as if i am looking at some beautiful images, no doubt, but i dont know why. the compositions are nice but they are to similar, definitly in the top two. i am not being brought into the piece, the glances take me no where, they all kind of dead end (as in where your face is looking). your last project was all about the face alone and what all it can mean. what diferent angles, faces, and outfits can do for an image. what are these faces telling me (i want to see more than a profile) i am more interested in the bottom one more because i feel as if it is more of a story. the other images, although they look good together i feel as if they could be produced better. now for my long list of questions. what are the images doing for each other? what do the three images bring together? the repeating of objects and rooms, etc. only two questions i guess.
    i hope this helps

  • At 9:42 AM, Blogger Sarah said…

    thank you guys for all your input. i plan to do some more shooting tomorrow and friday and i will try to keep these comments in mind.

    and as for right now ill keep the dimonds..

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