Just Give Me Money

you know that you want to
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Greatest Show I've Ever Seen!

Rachel and I went to see Cirque du Soleil's Delirium last night and it was by far the most amazing show I have ever seen.
If any of you get a chance to see this show you should! It was the most amazing mixture of multimedia projections, music, dance, and physical strength I have ever seen. I guess just reading about it they say that it is one of the most extreme arena productions ever put together. The plot (or rather the abstraction of an idea) is very consuming as well, so I can't really tell you what it is about, maybe dreams, maybe reality, maybe life and death, or probably a mixture of them all. Think pink floyd, crazy tribal drumming and mysticism, radiohead (lots of radiohead ideology) and really strong gymnasts, who at one point hold themselves up upon each others heads using one arm, all in one! The only thing this experience is lacking is FIRE (aside from the projections of it) IF YOU ONLY LIKE FIRE, don't go see this show! Check out there website! (the preview does it no justice, it almost turned rachel and I off from it at first!)


posted by Anonymous @ 7:26 AM  
  • At 3:32 PM, Blogger J said…

    Long ago I vowed never to pay money to see anything that did not involve fire. Though after your glowing report I may reconsider that promise I made at the deathbed of my Great-Uncle Ulysses... but that is a long, sad story. Do I break my vow? Do I risk the chance that pandemoneum will break loose with no fire to satisfy the masses and protect the maidens? Toughest decision of my life, I swear.

  • At 8:42 PM, Blogger J said…

    there was a clause in my vow allowing viewing of a "fireless" show so long as it contained sufficient "robot content."

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